You can use a major credit card or debit card to pay fines, fees, and court costs for a TRAFFIC or CRIMINAL case at using the Pay Online button, below. You must know the citation number and the date of birth listed on the case or the case number and the date of birth.
Citations issued by law enforcement typically are not filed in the Clerk of Court offices right away, and therefore, the information from the citation will not show up immediately online for payments. It may take as long as 10 to 14 days for a citation to be posted. If the citation was issued during a weekend or holiday, it may take longer.
To Make an Online Payment:
1. Visit and click “Pay Online” or go directly to .
2. Select state: Iowa
3. Select court: Meskwaki Tribal Court
4. Click on: “Make a Payment”
5. Click on: “Pay Citation, Fine, or Court Fee”
6. Enter your citation number and date of birth, or your court case number (if you've received something from our Court) and date of birth.
7. Cases matching the information you entered should appear on your screen.
8. Select the case you wish to pay on and enter payment information.
Disclaimer: Balances displayed on Citepay may not include pending case costs, community service. Etc. The court is not liable for any outstanding balances or subject to action based on the amount provided in this system. Please contact the Meskwaki Tribal Court with any questions regarding your balance at 641-484-9300.
NOTE: Citepay is an outside service that will add a processing fee that they keep, not the Court.
Debit and Credit Card payments are NOW accepted at the Tribal Court Clerk's Office but there is an processing charge for this convenience that the card service keeps, not the Court. These types of payments are only available for fines/fees associated with traffic or criminal court judgments.
Please Make Money Orders Payable to: Clerk of Tribal Court
You may make your payment in person at the Meskwaki Nation Tribal Court Clerk’s Office, or payment may be made via money order mailed to:
Meskwaki Nation Tribal Court Clerk's Office
307 Meskwaki Road
Tama, Iowa 52339
We accept the following payments in person (for traffic and or criminal cases)
Debit Card, Credit Card, Cash or Money Order
We accept the following payments by mail:
Money Order
After business hours, payments can be placed in our dropbox located outside the Justice Center. Please enclose payment in a sealed envelope and include your name, and case number if you know it
When you pay a fine online it is considered a plea of Guilty. You only need to appear if the box on the ticket marked "court appearance required" is checked.
Due dates can vary case to case. Please refer to your ticket, citation, and/or order for determined due dates.
Yes. When you pay online you will have the option to save and print a receipt. The Court will be notified of online payments within 2-3 business days. Payments sent by mail will receive a receipt back via mail. In-person payments will receive a receipt.
The Clerk's Office strives to post information as soon as possible. Because the clerk's office handles large volumes of work, information is not always posted the day a record is filed.
In the case of citations or tickets, it may take 7 - 10 days from the date the citation or ticket is issued to the date it is filed in the clerk of court office. This interval may be longer if a citation is issued on a weekend or holiday. If the information does not appear on this site after 14 days, please contact the Clerk's Office.
You may submit a request for an extension to the court in writing.
You may submit a payment plan and select from the following options:
1. Tribal Per Capita Withholding
2. Tribal Wages Withholding
3. Online or directly to the Clerk's office
You may submit a request to perform Community Service to satisfy court fines & fees. (This does not apply to jail costs)
The judge will review each request individually and make a determination.
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