The Meskwaki Probation Department is responsible for overseeing adults who are convicted of crimes, but who have been released to probation. They fulfill many roles for these individuals, including: ensuring compliance with release conditions, identifying treatment options, helping with job searches, and keeping track of their progress. Ultimately, they serve as supervisors and mentors for offenders who are trying to get back on their feet.
The Meskwaki Probation Department is responsible for supervising youth on their caseload and ensure compliance with the court's orders. Probation Officers conduct regular visits to the juvenile's home, school, work and other areas of the community in which the juvenile frequents. The PO also makes referrals to community resources for the youth and family.
Alanna Holiday-Brown is the Juvenile Court Officer for the Meskwaki Tribal Court and an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota Nation of the Pine Ridge Reservation. She is a first-generation college student who attended Fort Lewis College and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology with a Minor in Native American Indigenous Studies. Alanna is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Buena Vista University.
She has worked in various settings, such as Transitional Housing, Youth advocacy, sexual and Domestic Violence advocacy, and Mentoring. Her passions include supporting indigenous youths and learning new things.